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Monday, February 23, 2009

Skull Completed

So here is the completed model for my skull I am using for the muscle based rig.

I'm sure you will note that the model is faceted. This is because it looked off being so smooth (skulls are not smooth) I plan on roughing it up and texturing it via Zbrush with some more time. But for now having it faceted keeps it rough enough for me.

On to a bit more research. I have a little problem trying to figure out how I am going to ensure the NURBS based Muscles stay attached to the skull geometry to simulate how muscles are attached and slide over the skulls of real humans.

Wish me luck!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Maxwell Lostrum

Finally an update right?! Say hello to Maxwell Lostrum. The "Old Man" in the story.

He was very easy to create from my friend Jason Smith's wonderful artwork.

Working Title Capstone: Update

My goal is to have Max Z-brushed by March 5th as well as the main boy character. So a lot to come up with!

Note: That his shovel and Hospital gown are also done. Having a bit of an issue with max cloth to shape the hospital gown better. Will switch to Maya for production anyway...

Muscle Project back in Buisness

Been taking care of a few other projects lately. (posting soon) But here is the beginning of my Facial Muscle Project (past research) For those of you new here, I am attempting to create a fully functional/ anatomically correct human face. This starts at the skull and then I will attach NURBS objects that will act as muscles and deform the polygonal geometry that slides on top of it (skin)

The idea is to drive most of the motion in the face by these NURBS objects to elicit emotion and reaction to gravity as well.

Here is the top half of the skull. I poly-modeled it in 3 hours last night after our Portfolio Review Event. There will be a high poly version of it out of ZBrush for style purposes but it is close to function for what I need for.

Lower Jaw and teeth will be added in the next few days.

Hope all is well out there in the world!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentines Poster: My Flower Girl


Here is the final Valentines Poster I cooked up in many late nights for Leann this semester. (Look closely) for lots of detail...

Note: Tiny Spark-lies are hard to print on full bleed, predominantly black pieces. Should have split the sparkles onto another document had the print company print the sparkles after the rest of the document...

Ahh well. Always next time.

Hope you like.

Low poly models of the Working Title: Capstone Hero characters up very soon!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yashimo is finished and saying hello to the world!

Well, since I can't use this video for the official SIGGRAPH IUPUI mascot I am going to post Yashimo's video on all of the Viral websites. Facebook, Youtube, etc. Please share the link with anyone you might find that could benefit from the SIGGRAPH IUPUI Student Exhibition!!!

All the best. On to research...